Healing through story

Tag: Narrative magazine (Page 1 of 2)

Mannequin Monday – Take Me Home

Mannequin Monday – Take Me Home

Hey, here we are for another Mannequin Monday. We come back every Monday to find more words, more ideas, more inspiration to dress that blank form. Today we shape our words to describe roads. Dirt roads. Streets. Highways. The road to finding oneself.

First up is a poem by Tyree Daye, titled By Land. As I often do, I found this in Narrative Magazine. A great source for fiction and non-fiction. Free to read, with only a signup.

And then a short story of my own, My Big Brother is Scared.

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Mannequin Monday – Ocean, You Owe Me a Body

Mannequin Monday – Ocean, You Owe Me a Body

Welcome to another week of Mannequin Monday. The place where we drape the naked form with words, images, shapes, texture. The magic of story.

Today, the featured story starts where sea meets land. We drape the form with wet sand, with overpowering sea water, with “landlocked grief.” The story is Across the Sea: A Sequence, by Gbenga Adesina.

My own writing sample today is titled “Cold Pizza”. A man waits at the beach for a woman. For a fresh start.

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Mannequin Monday – A Pivotal Choice

Mannequin Monday – A Pivotal Choice

The naked form, the blank page. Time to dress them again. Dress with your narrative. Your point of view. Your expression of self. You as artist, making art.

This week we take a look at four exciting, award-winning stories from teens. Courtesy again of Narrative magazine.

Plus, Donald Maass offers advice on writing with meaning, in Writer Unboxed.

And a sample of my own writing. This time a repost of The Mother’s Day Card.

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Mannequin Monday – Dreams Too Large to Carry

Mannequin Monday – Dreams Too Large to Carry

Welcome to one more Mannequin Monday. Our theme continues. We find ways to dress the blank form. To cover the mannequin, to write the words, to shape the sculpture, to create the sketch, to take the photo or make the film.

Today our fiction piece – again from Narrative magazine – features a story by Ifeoma Sesiana Amobi. The interview features five up and coming Nigerian writers. And finally, another sample of my own writing.

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Mannequin Monday – A Sense of Compassion

Mannequin Monday – A Sense of Compassion

Clothing our blank forms again, with an awareness of suffering. A sense of compassion. This week’s short story Friendship and Art comes from Alan Ziegler, courtesy of Narrative magazine. This week’s interview is from NPR, Scott Simon talking to Dr. Suzanne Koven, formerly with Massachusetts General Hospital. And I offer a writing sample of my own about street art.

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Mannequin Monday – Last Flight from Bordeaux

Mannequin Monday – Last Flight from Bordeaux

This week we have fun dressing the blank page with colorful graphic stories and illustrations. Artist Sofia Warren brings us Last Flight from Bordeaux. Warren documents her attempts to leave France and get back home to the States in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

And cartoonist Liza Donnelly sketches a graphic memoir of her life in Portrait of the Cartoonist as a Woman.

To cap off the week, I offer a playful writing sample of my own. Enjoy.

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